Deploying a step to selected tenants

Deploying a step to selected tenants

Last published at: June 22nd, 2024

You'll have to navigate to the Administration - Steps page. 

On the Steps page, select the Step from the list and click on the MultiTenant—Send To menu option. The Select Category drop-down list allows you to choose from a smaller list of steps. The Search textbox allows you to filter the result list further.  


Using the menu shown above, steps can be deployed to “All” or “Selected” tenants. If you select “Selected Tenant,” the following dialog is shown. Select all tenants or specific tenants from the drop-down list. Click the “Select” button to deploy the step to the selected tenants.  


The Send Step popup window is displayed for confirmation. Click OK to continue. 


The step is sent to the Tenant, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.