Creating a form instance

Learn to create a new form instance

Last published at: January 9th, 2025

This function creates a form instance manually for a specific form definition.

You should navigate the Form - Instances page.


On the Form Instance page, select the Actions - Create menu option. 


The Create Form Instance popup window appears for configuration, as shown below. You must select the form definition from the drop-down list. You may use the search filter buttons to view the definition list sorted by the last modified date or by name. You'll need to manually click the Generate button for the new instance name OR provide a unique form instance name. Click on the Create button to confirm. 


The new form instance is created, and the confirmation message is displayed in the top right-hand corner, as shown below. 


Select the new form instance from the list and click on the Actions - Edit menu option. 


The new form instance is rendered on the new page for submission. Alternatively, a previously submitted form instance can be selected for editing this way.  Note: The “mode” attribute in the URL is “submit,” and the form instance data can be modified and submitted again. 


Select any form instance from the list and click on the View - Render menu option. 


The form instance is rendered on the new page for preview in read-only mode. Note that the “mode” attribute in the URL is “Render,” and the form instance data cannot be modified or submitted again.