Most organizations store their users in a directory service. FlowWright provides connectors to synchronize these users from the directory service to FlowWright. Following user connectors to Active Directory, LDAP, and OLEDB are available.
You must navigate to the Administration - User Management page.

Select the User Management - User-Connectors menu option.

The Manage User Connectors UI is rendered below. Each type of user connector requires specific configuration information related to the directory service. User connectors will not synchronize disabled users.

Create a user connector.
User connectors can be created by selecting the “Actions -> Create” menu item:
The following UI will be displayed. New connectors can be created for the OLEDB, Active Directory, and LDAP connector types.

Each type of user connector requires specific configuration information related to the directory service. The configuration fields for the OLEDB dialog look as follows.
A popup window is displayed for configuration. Select the connector type from the drop-down list (OLEDB, LDAP, Active Directory). You must provide the connector display name. Provide the SQL connection string to connect to the FlowWright database and fetch users from the “deUsers” table. Provide the where condition clause if required. Provide the external user name and their full name column name. Provide the user email column name. Select the frequency period (daily, one time, days). Select the time zone from the drop-down list. Add the time to run this connector batch job. You may add more than a one-time value. Select the enabled checkbox.

Click the Create button to confirm. The new user connector is included in the list, and a confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

The configuration fields for the Active Directory dialog look as follows.

The configuration fields for the LDAP dialog look as follows.

Edit user connector.
User connectors can be modified by selecting one from the table and clicking the “Actions -> Edit” menu item. The user connector configuration information shall be displayed in a popup window. You may change the configuration fields by clicking the Update button to confirm the changes.

Remove user connector.
User connectors can be removed by selecting them from the table and clicking the “Actions -> Remove” menu item.

A popup window is displayed for confirmation. Click OK to confirm. The user connector is removed, and the confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.

Enable/Disable User Connector.
This function shall enable the user connector to work or turn off the user connector for some time.
Select the user connector and click the Actions - Enable/Disable menu option. Note: This is a toggle function.

The selected user connector is enabled or disabled depending on its last status. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-hand corner. The enabled user connectors work according to the configuration.

Test user connector.
User connectors can be validated or tested by selecting the “Utils -> Test” menu item:

A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.
Run user connector now.
This function runs and syncs the users with the application based on the configured connection.
Select the user connector and click on the Utils - Run Now option.

Export User Connector.
A user connector can be exported as an XML file and imported back as XML in the target environment.
Select the user connector from the table and click the Export - XML menu option. The XML file is generated and downloaded to the local folder.

The XML content is included here for you to look over.

Select the user connector from the table and click the Export - SQL menu option. The SQL file is generated and downloaded to the local folder.

The SQL content is included here for reference. You may execute this SQL syntax to insert the user connector in the target FlowWright database.

Import user connector.
Select the user connector from the table and click the Import- XML menu option.

A popup window is displayed for configuration. Choose the XML file from the local folder and click the Import button.

The user connector is imported and configured in the list. A confirmation message is displayed in the top right-end corner.